We're all about simple, efficient solutions. These steps will help you regain control of your outdoor space ...even the kids can help!
Plan your storage: If you dont currently have a storage system in your garage, you need to decide if you want a basic solution, like a couple heavy duty shelves and bins? Or, a more defined solution where you use more organzing products to help you customize your garage organization in a more detailed way. Shop for the products you want to use in your garage. See the basic solutions we used in the image below.
Take everything out: Take everything out of your garage. This allows you to see what you have. As you take items out, sort them into sections based on their type or purpose.
Declutter: Toss uneeded, damaged, unusable, unwanted items from each section.
Organize: Contain items you are keeping by type or purpose.
Label : Label your organzined bins, to easily identify what's inside.
Clean: Clean your garage and wipe down any items that need it.
Put away: Place frequently used items within easy reach, and less frequently used items higher up or in the back.
Maintain: To keep your garage organized, practice putting things back where they belong. To avoid clutter build up, regularly go through your items and get rid of anything you no longer need or use.
*Here are some additional tips:
If you're not sure what to do with something, ask yourself if you've used it in the past year. If not, it's probably time to get rid of it.
Donate items that are still in good condition to a local charity.
Recycle items that can't be donated.
Hire a professional organizing service if you don't have the time or energy. It's ok to ask for help.